Lectures in Light and Electromagnetic Radiation
- Lecture 1: Types Of Radiation
- Lecture 2: Differences In Radiation
- Lecture 3: Important Basics Of Waves
- Lecture 4: What Produces E&M Waves
- Lecture 5: How Are E&M Waves Produced?
- Lecture 6: Differences Of E&M Frequencies
- Lecture 7: What Are Frequencies Of Light?
- Lecture 8: E&M Radiation...Safe Or Dangerous?
- Lecture 9: How Does The Atmosphere Protect Us?
- Lecture 10: Differences: Transparent Vs Opaque Atmosphere
- Lecture 11: Relationship: Radiation, Wavelength, And Opaque
- Lecture 12: What Is Light Made Of?
- Lecture 13: Different Energies Of E&M Radiations
- Lecture 14: Why Is Uv Radiation Dangerous?
- Lecture 15: Wien'S Law (Temperature Vs Radiation)
- Lecture 16: Radiation Curves Of Stars And Humans
- Lecture 17: Stefan-Botzmann Velocity Distribution
- Lecture 18: M3Qbjczyk94
- Lecture 19: Why Do Hot Objects Glow?
- Lecture 20: Why Light Sources Have Different Spectra?
- Lecture 21: Emission Spectrum Of Nebula
- Lecture 22: Emission Spectrum Of Helium
- Lecture 23: Emission Spectrum And Amount Of Elements
- Lecture 24: Emission Spectrum Of Celestial Object
- Lecture 25: Doppler Shift And Celestial Movement
- Lecture 26: Doppler Shift And Celestial Radial Movement
- Lecture 27: Red Shift And Blue Shift Explained
- Lecture 28: Finding The Velocities Of Celestial Objects
- Lecture 29: Doppler Shift And Rotation Of Celestial Objects
- Lecture 30: What Can Observing E&M Radiation Tell Us?